few questions we wanted to ask:
Are you writing anything at the moment?
When did you first want to be an author and what inspired you to write? (Miss
Jeffery knows the answer but she wants you to tell us)
Did you have any trouble learning to read and write when you first started
Are you friends with any other famous authors?
From the Word Spies in 5E.
Dear Wonderful Spord Wies of 5E,
Hmm, let's see about some of these questions.
I have just finished a book about a kangaroo. I have wanted to write this story for a LONG LONG time so I am very happy I have finished it. But it will be a little while yet before it is turned into a book you can borrow from the library or buy in a shop....
I first wanted to be a writer when I was six! That was when I learned to read and I noticed that there was always someone's name printed on the front cover of the books I liked. I asked my mother why, and she said, "That's the author." I said: "What's an author?" and she said, "That's the person who makes up the story." Aha, I thought. I like making up stories. I will be an author when I grow up.
Yes, I was a bit slow learning to read and write at school. I didn't learn to read until about halfway through Year One. But then I read EVERYTHING I could find!
I do have some friends who are authors and illustrators. Some of them I got to know while I was working on the NSW School Magazine - do you know it? have a look here http://theschoolmagazine.com.au/.
I worked with some wonderful author and illustrators there, including Geoffrey McSkimming and Tohby Riddle (ah - that's a familiar name for Word Spies!)
I worked with some wonderful author and illustrators there, including Geoffrey McSkimming and Tohby Riddle (ah - that's a familiar name for Word Spies!)
I will answer some more of your questions as soon as I can.
your pal,
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