Sunday, July 29, 2012

And the winner is . . .

Dear  Spies,

We have a winner to the Puzzle! Yes, Lizzy11 has worked it out. (Hurray!)

So what is the answer? All the things that the Word Spy likes have DOUBLE LETTERS.

Take another look to see for yourselves -

The Word Spy likes tennis; her cousin Alyosha prefers ping pong. The Word Spy wants a pet alligator or a rabbit; Alyosha wants a gecko or a guinea pig. The Word Spy eats beetroot and scrambled eggs for breakfast; Alyosha eats plain toast. The Word Spy loves running; Alyosha prefers dawdling.

So congratulations Lizzy11! Brilliant spying, I must say. And if you email me your address, the Word Spy will send you out your PRIZE - a special Word Spy magnifying glass all of your own.

Now, my spies, get your thinking hats on. In a week or so there will be ANOTHER puzzle for you. Who knows, maybe YOU will be the winner of the next magnifying glass!

Yours in excitement,

The Word Spy

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