Saturday, August 28, 2010

Do you remember me? from Anonymous


I don't know if you remember me (I'm the one who sent you the question 'what word would you say for the rest of your life')

Anyways, I was just wondering if there was going to be a THIRD Word Spy book because I enjoyed the first two so much!

PS: What does ellipsis mean?

Dear Anonymous,

How could I forget you? or should that be - how could I forget you ...

Guess what? I think there WILL be a third Word Spy book, but shhh, it's a bit of a secret. But we Word Spies know how to keep a secret, don't we?

As for ellipsis, it means those three little dots that are frequently found in the writings of the Word Spy (amongst others.) An ellipsis can mean the writer has left something out, can't quite finish the thought or is trying to suggest something... (but what?)

Or, to quote wikipedia "When placed at the end of a sentence, the ellipsis can also inspire a feeling of melancholy longing."


yours, melancholically, The Word Spy

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